Bullying, The Hot Topic
Hello Everyone,
I was recently interviewed by a few local papers regarding my book He Talks Funny. One of my questions was why I had written the book? I am a parent of two children with special needs, My older son has been teased and has Apraxia. Apraxia is a severe neurological speech disorder. A few years ago I got the idea in my head to write a story. I wasn’t sure how to begin to write it and then my journey started. I looked on the internet for childrens publishers and starting submitting my manuscript either by mail or email for a few years. This was before bullying really took off and started becoming a hot topic.
Let me start at the beginning…
I was teased as a young child, back then nothing was really done, regarding support, or getting the bullies the discipline they needed when I was in school. My scars are still there even though I grew older, and now I have two special needs children. My children are both in special programs but they still need to have friends. Bullying and teasing is a hot topic right now. It has become more sophisticated over the years, for example, internet chat rooms, social networks, cell phones, texting, to name a few. But what about special needs children who are in inclusion classrooms? Who will stick up for them? How to they gain friends in the classrooms when others don’t know how to be one? This is not a new concept. But not a lot has been done to implement the programs. How to show other children what it feels and looks like to all. That was the premise of why I wrote my book called He Talks Funny, which is now published. To bring awareness to all about Apraxia, communication disorders and friendship. Also to show everyone that they can make a difference in this world and that each person has the power to change it. The talk would be for preschools, middle school, high school, parent groups,of typical kids and special needs who can teach by example. Do you remember the golden rule? My talk is still in the beginning stages of development with receive help from a professional to help me write it. The talk can also go hand in hand with my book.I am trying to see if any school districts will adopt the book. If they go to my Apraxia and He Talks Funny website under links that will help all with bullying and other information. Thank you. My contact information is listed below
Jeanne Buesser
"Everyday Is A New Beginning"
President, Apraxia Network of Bergen County
Author, He Talks Funny
also on Youtube under Apraxia.